Helpful Resources


  • How Much Estate Tax Will You Need To Pay? Try this estate calculator to add up types of assets to give you an estimated estate tax amount.
  • Senior Community Services – Founded in 1997, Senior Community Services is a non-profit agency that is the largest provider of services in Delaware County for older residents and their families.
  • Delaware County Office of Services for the Aging (COSA) – plans, develops, coordinates and administers a comprehensive service system for older adults
  • Pennsylvania Department of Aging – Governor Edward G. Rendell has launched a new Web site that will help the citizens of Pennsylvania locate the resources they need during these difficult economic times. Click the icon below to get information on employment, family services, housing and more.
  • The National Council on Aging – The National Council on Aging is a non-profit service and advocacy organization headquartered in Washington, DC.
    • NCOA is a national voice for older adults – especially those who are vulnerable and disadvantaged — and the community organizations that serve them.
    • NCOA brings together non-profit organizations, businesses and government to develop creative solutions that improve the lives of all older adults.
    • NCOA works with thousands of organizations across the country to help seniors live independently, find jobs and benefits, improve their health, live independently and remain active in their communities
  • Benefits Check Up – Find and enroll in federal, state, local and private programs that help pay for prescription drugs, utility bills, meals, health care and other needs.
  • The Social Security Administration Retirement Planner. Check this out! This site provides disability benefit and retirement planning information.
  • What Factors Affect Your Retirement Benefits? Several factors may effect your retirement benefits. Some of the areas are credits, maximum covered earnings, pensions, annuities, dividends, interest, windfall elimination provisions (WEP), government pension offsets (GPO), and different kinds of earnings.
  • Resource Directory for Older People by the Administration of Aging. This Web directory is a great resource for helping senior citizens and their families find assisting organizations and programs for specific needs.
  • SeniorNet – SeniorNet’s mission is to provide older adults education for and access to computer technologies to enhance their lives and enable them to share their knowledge and wisdom.
  • PANPHA – An Association of Nonprofit Senior Services – Pennsylvania’s largest trade association representing nonprofit private, fraternal, religious and government sponsored providers of housing and health-related service options to Pennsylvania’s elderly.
  • Law Nosh Directory –
